OLE Automation SearchFor Example

SearchFor Example

Dim searchResults As Object
Dim search2 As Object
‘ get the list of files containing the phrase entered
‘ in the Text1 field
Set searchResults = wilbur.SearchFor(Text1.Text)
‘ Extract the names from the list and use them
' to fill a list box
Dim bResult As Boolean
Dim nCount As Integer
nCount = 0
bResult = searchResults.setToStart
While bResult
Dim lastMod As Date
lastMod = searchResults.getModifiedDate
List1.AddItem searchResults.getPath + _
 Chr(9) + Format(lastMod)
bResult = searchResults.setToNext
nCount = nCount + 1

This will search the index and place matching files in the searchResults object. This list is then looped through and the path names and modified dates of the files are placed in the list box.

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